We can know ourselves to be feminine, no matter what the world thinks, And, if our religion permits us to believe this, we can remember that it is our mind, or soul, or consciousness, which endures, even when the body is dust.
My own experience suggests that it may be best for TVs not to marry, unless their fiancees know of their TVism and heartily approve. Mere toleration is not en- ough. If you have not told your beloved, do so very gently, and as gradually as seems wise, even if it takes months.
For many of us discretion is the better part of girl- hood, and where the law prohibits us from going on the streets dressed as we should be then we should work to change the law.
We need never ashamed of our femininity so long as we act and think like ladies to the highest of our under- standing. Our sympathies, our charity, our understand- ing of other people's problems, our helpfulness to every- one, our wide compassion, should all be more than those of a typical man or of a typical woman. We are doubly gifted; we should be doubly givers.
Love the world and everyone in it.
Love is the most
feminine asset of all. Radiating it, we can be most our=
and the best possible advertisement for our cau-
We are sisters; let's be sisterly not only to one another (how I would love the opportunity) but to every- one. We can do this even in male attire (after all, slacks don't deprive a woman of her warm, heart, or of her love of children, or of her sympathy for everything in trouble). Sooner or later, by doing as the finest women or even better we shall help the world to accept us as it has accepted other "crackpot" reformers in the past not because of their rational arguments, but be- cause of their actions; pure, unselfish, courageous and good.
A genuine TV does not accept the conventional li- mitations of his sex. All progress is made by people